Is it safe to do weight training when my back hurts?
Yes, It is ideal to do 2 sessions of strength/weight training a week, making sure there is a rest day in between. We recommend starting on light weights, body weight and/or elastic bands.
Exercising with Low Back Pain – is it safe?
It is now well accepted that exercise is an effective tool in the management of low back pain. It can be undertaken in a range of different settings, from walking or yoga, to a home exercise program, swimming, or a tailored pilates regime. Whilst there is an enormous variety of exercise programs available, there is no 'ideal' exercise intervention.
Running with a back injury
At WHEN, we are often asked by clients and patients if it is safe to run with back pain. Our answer is often not a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ It will depend on several factors, including the nature and cause of the symptoms, as well as the stage of injury (acute or chronic).
Safe Exercises for People with Back Pain
Here are some safe exercises you can perform if you are experiencing back pain.