The Miscarriage Project
For too long miscarriage has been a taboo subject and women have been expected to just move on with their life. There is a gaping lack of information available on what is happening to their body and the long-term negative impacts that a miscarriage can have on their body.
Women deserve better.
One in five women will experience miscarriage in Australia. They need access to well researched, evidence based information.
WHEN wants to create and develop education programs for women, partners and professionals around miscarriage. With your help, they will understand what is happening to their body, get the tools to manage physical impacts, and learn how to support themselves and other women through this challenging and in many cases life-changing experience.
Please help us raise $100,000 to:
Develop education resources and build a FREE TO ACCESS Digital Library for women
Deliver workshops
Miscarriage Stories
WHEN wants women to feel safe to share their story and talk openly about miscarriage… We are so grateful for the extraordinary women who have opened up about their experience. WHEN is here to listen to women, ask them what they need and ensure they have access to well researched, evidence based information to give them the power to take control of their health and guide them on their journey post miscarriage.
If you have experienced a miscarriage and would like to get involved with the project or participate in a focus group to help aid our research we would love to hear from you. Please fill out the form below and we will be in touch.