Women's Health Guest Women's Health Guest

Pelvic Floor Exercises For ALL Women

The best advice we can offer regarding pelvic floor health is that 'prevention is better than cure.' Acknowledge the presence and important function of your pelvic floor. Start doing pelvic floor exercises! Aim to do them every day. It takes minimal time to complete them but can have a huge impact on your future life as well as your current one. Take control and make it work for you.

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Women's Health Guest Women's Health Guest

Why should women do pelvic floor workouts?

Women who have not had children are still prone to urine leakage throughout their life. With 24% of women in Australia in their reproductive years remaining child free, this is a whole subsection of society being neglected.

When we are younger there are lots of activities that can impact on anyone’s pelvic floor: constipation, chronic coughing, always holding your breath. Basically anytime you increase the pressure in your abdominal cavity by bearing down you can impact your pelvic floor.

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